Chilean senator to introduce freedom to marry bill

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"Chilean Senator Fulvio Rossi announced Sunday he'll introduce a freedom to marry bill shortly, the Spanish news agency EFE reported.

"The announcement follows quick on the heels of Latin America's first marriage equality law taking effect over the weekend in Argentina.

"The proposal does not include the adoption of children, but Rossi told reporters he hopes to debate the issue at a later date.

"The measure is being backed by Carolina Taho, incoming president of the Partido por la Democracia (PPD) party.

“'We do not think gay people have fewer rights to build stable relationships than heterosexuals,' Taho said. 'On the contrary, we think they are citizens who are entitled to live their lives once the legislation gives them the conditions to do so safely.'

"Lawmakers are already considering a set of reforms called the Acuerdo de Vida en Comun (AVC) which would give both gay and straight couples all the rights and obligations of marriage. The legislation would be similar to civil union laws adopted by several states in the United States.

... "Since the legalization of the freedom to marry in Argentina, neighboring Uruguay and Paraguay have announced plans to consider similar measures."

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