DC Gay Couple Currently 2nd in the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest

As reported by Ross von Metzke in The Advocate:

"When Jonathan Howard and Gregory Jones,  received an e-mail announcing that Crate & Barrel would be holding a contest to win a $100,000 dream wedding — or commitment ceremony, as the rules specify — the two figured they’d give it a go. But even with what they both call a solid network of friends and contacts in the community, they never figured they’d ascend to the top of the list (they're currently in 2nd place).

"...Howard says, "“The community has been really positive ... they’ve embraced the contest. GLAAD endorsed not only us, but they complimented Crate & Barrel on having a contest that’s so open. Obviously, we want to win a wedding. Obviously, that’s why we entered. But it has grown into something that is much bigger than us.”

To vote for Jonathan and Gregory go to: [Link] Voting ends on Wednesday at midnight CST.

Click to read the full post: [Link]

Also, check out this video of Jon and Greg thanking Freedom to Marry for our work on marriage: