Equality supporters outnumber NOM supporters 8 - 1

NOM's anti-gay bus tour rolled into Madison, Wisconsin yesterday for its 10th stop.  After struggling to turnout 20 supporters of marriage discrimination at its past few “One Man, One Woman” rallies in the Midwest, NOM must have been pleased with the 54 folks who showed up.  

But not even the fierce combination of Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown could begin to compare to the unbelievable response from the local LGBT and allied community.  

In the biggest turnout yet on the pro-equality Summer for Marriage Tour, 466 Wisconsinites marched through the streets of Madison, peacefully chanting their support for the freedom to marry.  There were so many supporters there yesterday, you almost have to see it to believe it: 






One Madison resident said it best when she remarked, “NOM picked the wrong city to spread their lies.”  And after watching that video, I’m sure you can see why! Way to go, Madison!

I think most of us have been amazed (but not surprised) at how quickly and effectively our community has organized in the past few weeks to demonstrate how important love, commitment, and marriage are to all of us.  And with the tour not even halfway finished, we’re nowhere near done!

Thanks to our friends at Fair Wisconsin who, along with a coalition of local organizations, made it more clear than ever that NOM’s tour is just part of a losing battle.

The video is part of NOM Tour Tracker, a partnership between Courage Campaign and Freedom to Marry to document the Summer for Marriage Tour.