First Lady Michelle Obama discusses support of the freedom to marry

Last week, First Lady Michelle Obama released a video where she answered Twitter users' questions about the Obama reelection campaign, tips on increasing voter registration, and whether we'll see a female president sometime soon. She also answered a user question about the freedom to marry. The Twitter user asked: 

Please tell us about your family discussions about marriage equality and thank President Obama for his support.

Last month, President Barack Obama spoke out about the freedom to marry, declaring his support for all couples in the United States to have the ability to get married. In her video, the First Lady echoed many of the sentiments the President expressed in his announcement from May. She responded:

This is an important issue for millions of Americans, and for Barack and me, it really comes down to the values of fairness and equality that we want to pass on to our girls. These are basic values that kids learn at a very young age, and that we encourage them to apply in all areas of their lives. In a country where we teach our children that everyone is equal under the law, discriminating against same-sex couples just isn't right. So it's as simple as that. 

Watch the First Lady reaffirm the importance of the freedom to marry for all couples here (beginning at 5:15), and watch the full Twitter Q&A session: