GOP candidate advice for kids: Gay is not OK

Posted by Carly Baldwin on

"Campaigning in front of Orthodox Jewish voters in Williamsburg yesterday, Republican nominee for New York governor Carl Paladino launched into an anti-gay tirade, declaring that being gay is not 'an equal, valid option.'

“'I don’t want [kids] brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t,' Paladino reportedly told his conservative audience. The remarks came after Paladino reiterated yesterday he would veto any freedom to marry bills that come before him should he be elected to governor.

"Democratic candidate and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo immediately seized on Paladino’s comments, saying they 'make it clear that he is way out of the mainstream.'

... "“His comments signal to gay New Yorkers that they deserve to be less equal than everyone else,' said Sean Eldridge, of Freedom to Marry. 'Which is particularly troubling in light of recent anti-gay attacks in New York and the recent wave of suicides.'”

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