NOM’s effort to pressure New Hampshire GOP backfires

NOM's effort to force New Hampshire House Majority D.J. Bettencourt may have backfired.
Calling the flyer sent by NOM an "assault on our agenda," Bettencourt said the mailing actually reinforced his opinion that the matter should be put off until next year's session – and he will ask the committee responsible for the marriage bill to do so. 
Earlier this month, the Republican leader of the GOP-controlled New Hampshire House said that his party's agenda for this year would not include a bill repealing the state's law that allows gay couples to get married. House Majority Leader D.J. Bettencourt said that social issues could wait until 2012 to allow more focus on pressing economic problems. That prompted the National Organization for Marriage to mail out a flyer to Bettencourt's district claiming that he doesn't support "family values."
Freedom to Marry has had staff on the ground working with New Hampshire Freedom to Marry to protect marriage for all committed couples in the state where a clear majority of residents support the freedom to marry.