Voice for Equality: John Buehrens

John Buehrens has a long history of advocacy for the homeless and mentally ill, for civil liberties, for poor communities, for interfaith cooperation, and for issues of sexual justice. From 1993 to 2001 he served as the President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. He was the only non-gay religious leader invited to address the Millenium March for Equality in Washington, DC, in 2000.

Buehrens has served in the leadership of the National Parenting Association, the Foundation for Individual Responsibility and Social Trust (FIRST), the International Association for Religious Freedom, the Progressive Religious Partnership, the Association of Theological Schools in the US and Canada, the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and the Religious Institute for Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. To learn more: [Link]

Freedom to Marry salutes John Buehrens for his work on our Steering Committee and as a Voice for Equality!

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